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Fiber Pad Manufacturing Marvels
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Lean Manufacturing & Productions

Fiber Pad, Inc. has continuously strived to streamline our work process since we opened in 1977. Lean manufacturing is a company-wide initiative to promote cost reduction by eliminating needless waste that inflates costs, lead times, and inventory requirements. We do this through continuous quality improvement programs, preventative maintenance, improving production facilities and staying current on technological opportunities. This ensures improved part quality and manufacturing processes that benefit our customers.

Lean manufacturing is an ongoing project implemented at all levels of our organization; all employees are trained and encouraged to identify ways to reduce waste while enhancing our products and services. This requires the awareness of our entire workforce as well as a desire to create a finer product for our customers. There are several opportunities to reduce waste in the plastic and custom thermoforming process. Members of our team have received formalized training and earned certifications in lean manufacturing.

We are certain that with the mindset of continual improvement joined with measured achievements we will become a more successful and valued supplier to all our customers.

Lean Manufacturing

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